Toolmotion – Video

Select video

Select a video in the bottom bar and start it in the above window. Move the mouse pointer out of the playback window, to hide the bar at the bottom.


Attaching the holder at any point on the tool. The holder is screwed or glued and remains at this point. As a result the Navigator can be attached at any time to the robot in a difficult situation (Stop situation) to move out.

Adjustment sensor

The adjustment sensor is pushed up and clicked. The adjustment drive, the holder is furnished. There are no further work necessary. The robot can be moved in all axes.


With the “Navigator” can you run the robot without knowledge of tool or base coordinates free in space.


The Toolmotion software runs directly on the Kuka SmartPad. By selecting a tab the desired software is called and can be used directly on the SmartPad without further addition.